Sunday, August 12, 2012

The mouth disease death case of the brothers in Beijing

The mouth disease death case of the brothers in Beijing is increased to 7 The fringe area is the sending area of the height
From June 10 to 5 days on June 14, this city reports the case to two mouths of brothers and dies again. Up to June 14, the whole city report the intersection of brothers and the intersection of mouth and 7 of death to together this year, will it be will it be largest a one year such as death toll the same period the past three years. For popularize the intersection of brothers and the intersection of mouth and the intersection of disease and the intersection of prevention and control and knowledge, Municipal Health Bureau started and " prevented the mouths of brothers early in the morning yesterday, protect infant and pre-school children " Large-scale health consulting activity, explain the knowledge of preventing disease in areas such as the fringe area of 18 counties,etc..

It is the common infectious disease caused by many kinds of intestinal virus that the mouths of brothers are ill, will be included in legal infectious disease and will manage by Ministry of Public Health in 2008, Beijing has illness coming on the peak is 5 for every year to July. Until temperature soar gradually, the intersection of mouth and number of the infected of disease, brothers of this city, increase constantly, have appeared serious disease and death case of brothers' mouth disease. This city reports 19812 brothers' mouth cases to together by June 14, this year, 7 cases of death, most cases are the infant and pre-school children under the age of 5, it is the case hotspot that the floating population of fringe area gathers the ground.

"The mouth case of the brothers of this city take place in the fringe area more this year. " Disease of Municipal Health Bureau controls Xie Hui, division chief of place to analyze, the living environment of fringe area is bad, consciousness is weak that residents prevent disease. At present, have not prevented ill vaccine of mouths of brothers yet and come out both at home and abroad, so, understand, prevent the intersection of brothers and scientific popular knowledge, mouth of disease, it is to prevent mouth disease most effective methods and means of brothers to form the good hygienic habit. For this reason, Municipal Health Bureau determines especially the area of fringe area where floating population gathers in 18 counties, launch, prevent disease the intersection of knowledge and propaganda summer, let resident understand, prevent the intersection of brothers and general knowledge, mouth of disease, improve the consciousness of self- health care.

Early in the morning, the floating popular science campaign vehicle of city Center for Disease Prevention and Control drove into the square of recreation and sports of letter village of north law of letter town of south law of Shunyi District yesterday, hold one prevent from the intersection of brothers and the intersection of mouth and the intersection of disease and the intersection of propagation and education and activity of knowledge for villager that have a holiday at home, this is in first stop in a large-scale health consulting activity too. Come from BJ Children's Hospital, the clinical experts of hospitals such as Beijing Temple of Earth hospital,etc. have consulted and propagated live on contents such as clinical manifestation and the infant's nursing knowledge of brothers' mouth disease,etc.. Staff members have released a large number of brothers' mouth disease and prevented and cured propaganda folding to the villagers with <> and sterilizes wet paper,etc.. (reporter Fang Fang)

The mouth disease death case of the brothers in Beijing is increased to 7 The fringe area is the sending area of the height

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