Friday, August 17, 2012

The biologyical preparations institute of Beijing is joyous 90 birthdays

The biologyical preparations institute of Beijing is joyous 90 birthdays
It is reported ' Reporter Meng QingPu) The institute of biological products of Beijing establishes the celebration on 90th anniversary to hold in Beijing ceremoniously on October 18.

The predecessor of institute of biological products of Beijing is the central epidemic prevention of the Northern Government that was established in March of 1919, health epidemic prevention and serum vaccine of the first country produce and study the specialized agency in history of our country. From 1919 to 1949, should develop, produce the intersection of China and most early vaccine, cholera, typhoid fever, the intersection of rabies and vaccine and the intersection of diphtheria and the intersection of antitoxic serum,etc. and 15 kinds of products successively; Isolate the penicillin bacterium of first of our country, produce the penicillin of first of our country. The antibiotic research room established in 1947, it was the organization engaged in antibiotic research initially of our country. From 1949 to 1998 nearly 50 years, should the scientific and technical result won a series of victories. Since 1998, should successively develop VERO second brain vaccine, leprosy two uniting, rough cheek wind and unite the vaccine etc. three times. Should be where one occurs at present to grind more than 20 subjects.

The biologyical preparations institute of Beijing is joyous 90 birthdays

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